What is an Agile Framework?

Understand the ins and outs of an agile framework and how it can assist with project management.

The Agile Framework is a project management approach that prioritises adaptability, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction. It is a flexible collaborative framework that enables organisations to respond to market changes, deliver high-quality products, and encourage innovation.

Key Components of an Agile Framework​

1. Scrum

Scrum is a popular Agile framework focusing on iterative progress through short, manageable sprints. It includes roles like Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team, and ceremonies such as Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.

2. Kanban

Kanban focused on visualising the workflow, reducing the amount of work in progress, and continuously improving processes. It uses a Kanban board to represent different stages of work, helping teams to better manage and optimise their tasks.

3. Lean

Lean focuses on removing "waste", improving efficiency, and delivering value to the customer. It includes practices like value stream mapping, Kaizen, and Just-in-Time production to streamline processes and enhance productivity.

Benefits of The Agile Framework​


1. Increased Flexibility:

Agile allows teams to quickly adapt to changes in requirements, priorities, and market conditions, ensuring that projects remain aligned with evolving customer needs.

2. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

By involving customers throughout the project and delivering incremental value, Agile ensures that the final product meets customer expectations and requirements.

3. Improved Visibility and Transparency

Agile methodologies provide clear insights into project progress through visual tools like Kanban boards and regular meetings, enhancing communication and decision-making.

4. Fostered Innovation

Agile encourages a culture of experimentation and continuous improvement, allowing teams to innovate and refine their processes continually.

Agile vs. Waterfall


  • Iterative and incremental approach
  • Embraces change and customer feedback
  • Focuses on delivering value throughout the project


  • Sequential and linear approach
  • Assumes stable requirements and minimal changes
  • Focuses on completing each project phase before moving to the next

Agile Roles and Responsibilities

Product Owner

Defines and prioritises the product backlog, ensuring the final product meets customer needs.

Scrum Master

Facilitates the Scrum process, removing impediments and promoting continuous improvement.

Development Team

Delivers the product increment at the end of each sprint, working collaboratively and cross-functionally.