what is possible with magnetic

Better Manage Your People In One Place

Make Better Resource Decisions
Make smarter, data-driven decisions with comprehensive insights into resource availability and project requirements. Prioritise work based on strategic value and resource capacity and reduce the guesswork in planning and allocation.
Boost Operational Efficiency
Streamline your workflows and reduce administrative overhead with automated tools and real-time updates. Intuitive dashboards help you quickly make adjustments and better track and manage resources for improved project outcomes.
Proactively Manage Clients
Stay ahead of client needs and project demands with tools that boost resource visibility. Maintain high levels of service while effectively managing client expectations and project progress.
Enhance Project Agility
Adjust resources in real-time based on evolving project requirements. This flexibility helps prevent bottlenecks and ensures that every project continues to move forward smoothly, adapting to changes without missing a beat.

resource management

See Where Your Team is Spending Their Time

Make better business decisions with a single, all-in-one platform that helps you plan, engage, and analyse easily.


Integrate With Other Tools You Already Use

Google Calendar
Connect Magnetic to Google Calendar and keep your team's schedules perfectly synchronised. This integration ensures improved coordination across your team, helping you manage time effectively and never miss a deadline
If Xero is your go-to accounting software, seamlessly integrate it with Magnetic to keep records tidy and streamline your business accounting.
Enhance time tracking technology to intelligently populate timesheets, eliminate guesswork and reduce your teams workload

Trusted by big Global brands

Top brands choose Magnetic for their business management needs.

"Magnetic Has allowed Our Studio to Run Autonomously"

Our agency has been very happy with the system. Magnetic made it possible for the team to schedule work, knowing the availability of each resource and track progress, and ensure deadlines were met. The system is easy to use, collaborative and allows management to track each job easily in one place. Profitability reporting is now at our fingertips and we have been able to improve our margins as a result.

Deidre, Studio Manager, 11-50 employees